
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Come Join Us

Hello Goddesses,

We have some super special guests joining us for our redesign party. I won’t mention names but they have wrote Arco, Demonica, Mythic, Chosen by Blood, Gabriel's Inferno, Soul Reborn, Granite Lake Wolves, Never Tempt Danger, Accidentals Series, Heavenly, Introducing Sociolinguistics, Tons of giveaways lots of fun make sure you come join us. *Looking at Kim * What? I didn’t say their names.

1 comment:

  1. *Shaking my head at Shauni* Girl! You are CRAZY! These were supposed to be secrets! *Giggling* Guess the cat is out of the bag now! You guys excited yet???? Wait until you see what the giveaways are!!! We have all kinds of cool things lined up! Did anybody try the pumpkin cookie recipe that Shauni posted? OMG! THEY ARE SOOOOO GOOD! I'll let you know what one of the giveaways is.......a cookbook -- but I'm not going to tell you what kind, just know that its a cool one!

    Keep Reading Dearhearts
