Please hang in here with me through this rant and read it all the way through before you make any judgements. In no way am I saying that every person should like EVERY book or EVERY author. That's inconceivable and will never happen.
I recently heard of an author's work being BASHED on Twitter -- actually saw it with my own eyes. I didn't defend the author because we are entitled to our own opinions; however, what I SHOULD have done was defend the author in the way the person tweeting was giving her opinion.
Now I hear "through the blogging grapevine" that this same author is being BASHED and this person (and I do not know, nor do I care if it is the same person who was tweeting the crap) was out and out telling people NOT to buy this author's books.
Here's my issue (or should I say "Here are my ISSUES"):
1. Everybody out there
has a right to publish anything (with the exception of pornography and we aren't talking about that here so let's not start that conversation), hell, white supremacist and racists of all kinds publish stuff every day.
2. This author that I am talking about writes novels that, in my opinion (notice I said
IN MY OPINION) ARE worth reading and for someone to so blatantly tell others that these books should NOT be purchased is preposterous! It is like a bur under my saddle and it really angers me.
3. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY has the right to get on the web, the phone, snail mail or any other public forum and tell anybody else to NOT buy a person's work. YOU ARE MESSING WITH SOMEONE'S LIVELIHOOD.
Whoever is doing this needs to take a step back and look at how it would feel if it happened to them. Karma always wins no matter what. It may not happen today, tomorrow or the day after that but I promise you that whoever is propagating this will get some nastiness back. NOT by me because I like good Karma.
So please, if you dislike a book, movie, music, art, whatever. Remember it might be unappealing to you but something worth picking up, watching, listening to or looking at for someone else.
There is no need to be ugly about things. There is enough meanness and hatred out there, do we really need to spread anymore around about people we don't know and books that may actually mean something to someone who hasn't read them yet and who now probably won't because of something that came out of someone else's mouth??
Please be careful what you say. Words hurt. Not just the person they are directed at but they, in the end, will hurt you as well. Negativity breads negativity. The more you put out there, the more you get in return.
Sorry about the rant.
Keep Reading Goddesses